U Can’t Touch This


Photo Cred: Getty

So if you’ve heard or watched the latest podcast you know that Mr. Mike Shelton has a bit of a problem with being touched. While on my daily troll of the internet this morning, I found an article where the writer HATES affection, which got me to thinking about my own lack of PDA from time to time. Mike is ALL about touching me wherever and whenever but as a woman I feel like its excessive so I push him away often. Sometimes he goes in for something passioante and walks away with a nub. I hate that especially since I AM A PASSIONATE person damn it or atleast I like to think I am. Is that what it is? Am I one of those girls that imagines she’s one way but in real life she’s another?

What about you?

And in honor of TBT may I present to you….Hammer… Ladies and Gents



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